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COE operations circle showing the four quadrants of excellence – training, pex & automation, six sigma, and quality assurance

Managed Services

Key Capabilities

Document with an information icon showing that we can perform end-to-end commercial risk underwriting

Commercial Underwriting

Perform end to end qualitative and quantitative commercial risk underwriting including financial statements spreading, bureau pulls, PD Rating, fundamental analysis and line calculation

Hand shake to showcase our financial dispute management skills

Dispute management

Monitor and review disputes for fraudulent and non-fraudulent chargebacks and contest or accept accordingly as per lending policies

Warning icon showing we can identify and protect against fraud and compliance concerns

Fraud & Compliance Review

An end-to-end and robust set of KYB & KYC, fraud detection, sanctions, and AML checks, providing a 360-degree view of potential customers and accelerating risk and compliance-based decision making

Annotated document with all data captured

Financial Statement Spreading

Semi-automated human-in-the-loop solution. Comprehensive and standardized output creation including calculation of key financial ratios to enable your underwriters to make quick decisions

  • Outsource your operational tasks such as manual underwriting, fraud review, KYC/KYB, AML, sanctions screening, etc to our team of experts
  • Our Centre of Excellence (CoE) approach ensures robust process mapping, documentation, training, and quality control
  • Powered by deep domain knowledge, process expertise, and technological capabilities
  • All employees are trained on Lean Six Sigma methodologies which ensures Total Quality Management
  • Robust compliance driven by a dedicated internal control-compliance-quality assessment team